The Trilennium® Multi Point Lock system provides more than just security... it offers homeowners better door closure and sealing than a single point lock, preventing warping, adding security, functionality and most of all, peace of mind.

W & F handlesets feature durable and ergonomic designs that allow for easy door operation. I-beam construction incorporates greater strength, stiffness and security into the complete lock system. It's performance exceeds most industry standard security requirements. We recommend this hardware for wood entry systems, and on all 8 foot entry system applications.

Eclipse Grip Entry Set | Bayer Built WoodworksEclipse Entry Set | Bayer Built WoodworksHorizon Entry Set | Bayer Built WoodworksPinnacle Entry Set | Bayer Built WoodworksRectangle Entry Set | Bayer Built WoodworksCurved Entry Set | Bayer Built Woodworks

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Eclipse Lever Hardware | Bayer Built WoodworksEclipse Lever Hardware | Bayer Built WoodworksPinnacle Lever Hardware | Bayer Built WoodworksHorizon Lever Hardware | Bayer Built Woodworks

**Special Order

**Special Order